Character LCD Command Sheet HTML Version

I was looking for an image of the Character LCD command sheet throughout the internet and failed to find any good resolution images that I can use for post references. Here is an HTML Version that could be used at whichever resolution you choose!

Character LCD Command Sheet

Clear display 0 0 0 1 Clears display and returns cursor to the home position (address 0). 1.52 ms
Cursor home 0 0 0 1 * Returns cursor to home position. Also returns display being shifted to the original position. DDRAM content remains unchanged. 1.52 ms
Entry mode set I/D S Sets cursor move direction (I/D); specifies to shift the display (S). These operations are performed during data read/write. 37 I1/4s
Display on/off control 1 C B Sets on/off of all display (D), cursor on/off (C), and blink of cursor position character (B). 37 I1/4s
Cursor/display shift 1 1 R/L * * Sets cursor-move or display-shift (S/C), shift direction (R/L). DDRAM content remains unchanged. 37 I1/4s
Function set A 0 1 DL s/c A F A * A * A Sets interface data length (DL), number of display line (N), and character font (F) A 37 I1/4s
Set CGRAMA address A 0 A 1 A A A A A A CGRAM address A Sets the CGRAM address. CGRAM data are sent and received after this setting. A 37 I1/4s
Set DDRAMA address A 1 A A A A A A A DDRAM address A Sets the DDRAM address. DDRAM data are sent and received after this setting. A 37 I1/4s
Read busy flagA & add resscounter 1 BF A A A A A A A CGRAM/DDRAM address A Reads busy flag (BF) indicating internal operation being performed and reads CGRAM or DDRAM address counter contents (depending on previous instruction). A 0 I1/4s
Write CGRAM orA DDRAM 1 A A A A A A A A Write Data A Write data to CGRAM or DDRAM. 37 I1/4s
Read from CGRAM orDDRAM 1 A 1 A A A A A A A A Read Data A Read data from CGRAM or DDRAM. A 37 I1/4s
Instruction bit names:</p>
  • I/DA - 0 = decrement cursor position, 1 = increment cursor position;
  • SA - 0 = no display shift, 1 = display shift;
  • DA - 0 = display off, 1 = display on;
  • CA - 0 = cursor off, 1 = cursor on;
  • BA - 0 = cursor blink off, 1 = cursor blink onA ;
  • S/CA - 0 = move cursor, 1 = shift display;
  • R/LA - 0 = shift left, 1 = shift right;
  • DLA - 0 = 4-bit interface, 1 = 8-bit interface;
  • NA - 0 = 1/8 or 1/11 duty (1 line), 1 = 1/16 duty (2 lines);
  • FA - 0 = 5A--8 dots, 1 = 5A--10 dots;
  • BFA - 0 = can accept instruction, 1 = internal operation in progress.