- EmbedJournal

Serial Ports are dead? Think again!

Your Desktop-PC doesn’t have a Serial Port in the back side? Don’t be so sure of it. If you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it ain’t there! All you have to do is look properly. If you are a full-time laptop user, stop right here! This article is of no...

Servo Motor Interface - Looking behind Arduino Servo library

Have you ever looked into the Arduino source files? Well you should be!! I have been hanging around there for quite some time now. The Arduino Servo class has half a dozen functions to handle all the servo related tasks like the attach(), read(), write() and detach(). There was too...

Arduino Like Serial / UART Library for PIC 18 Microcontrollers

In my last post describing the implementation of a circular buffer I mentioned that I was working on a serial UART library for PIC 18. Well it is now completed! Yesterday I tested all the functions of the library and its working like a charm! In this post I will...

Basics of DC Motor Drive and Speed Control for Robots

DC motors are really cheap and can be found very easily. In this post we will discuss the basic theory behind the DC motor drive system and its speed control. Having some basic understanding of how your motor driver works will play a key role in building your own circuits...

Implementing Circular Buffer in C

Embedded software often involves state machines, circular buffers and queues. This article will give you an overview of the data structure and walks you through the steps involved in implementing circular buffers in low memory devices. If you are already familiar with the basics of such data structures, feel free...