Robotics - EmbedJournal


My approach to the Mesh Flare Problem (IIT-B's Techfest)

Over the past few days, I received a plethora of emails and messages on how to make a line follower robot. Mostly, the specification being white line on a black surface. Some even mentioned shortest path detection loops in the track. Now, I do get emails in which people ask...

Hack a Toy Car to Make a Cheap Wireless Robot

Hack a toy car to make a cheap wireless robot? Yes, cheap toy remote cars form china can be scavenged to get their remotes to work with our robots. All of us have seen and played with toy cars some time in the past. Some -like me- might have bought...

Programming Shortest Path Line Follower Robot

This post is the programming section of my previous post that dealt with the logic behind the following routines. To understand the complete nature of this post you should read the previous post first and then continue with this one. No, this is not the entire code! even if the...

Shortest Path Line Follower Robot Logic Revealed!

Bored of the conventional line follower? People nearly are losing interest? Here is a post that could change it all and turn the winds to your side. Imagine if your robot was to start from node A (source) and move to node B (destination) and come back to node A!...

Programming a Line Follower Robot

Programming a Line Follower Robot is the next step that you should do after building it. This is a follow-up on my previous post Line Follower Robot - Build it from scratch. If you haven’t already read it, I suggest you read it before going any further in this post....

Line Follower Robot - Build it from scratch

Line Follower Robots are the most common type of robots that are built by hobbyist and students interested in robotics and embedded systems. The reason for the popularity of the Line Follower robot is the fact that it is simple to build and it is easy to understand the logic...

Make a Simple RC (Remote Controlled) Robot Car

Whether you are an engineering student building a multi terrain vehicle or an electronics hobbyist trying to impress people with your skills, making a RC robot car (wireless) is much better than the wired robot which you will have to tail while driving. This is not exactly a robotics project....