HowTo - EmbedJournal


Simple DIY Electromagnetic Bell

You might think its pass time while I was talking about simple electromagnetic bells at my blog. Truth be told I would agree with you and embedjournal is pitching for a higher game in the near future. We will soon get into some android programming and write mobile apps that...

Testing RF Transmitter and Receiver Circuit

After publishing the article Make a simple RC car I have received a lot of comments and e-mails from readers who have faced some difficulties while trying to make the circuit by themselves. I have complied a small list of testing methods for various components that will help your narrow...

How To Breadboard Power Supply

Most of the time your breadboard will just need a 5 volt supply to power all the components. Very rarely you might need a 12 volt (if you are driving loads like motors) or 3.3 volt (devices rated at 3v3). In this post we will see the making of a...

Make PCBs at Home With Toner Transfer Method

Toner Transfer method for making PCB at home is probably one thing that went as viral as the Arduino. Electronics hobbyists around the world started using it to make professional looking PCBs at home. Here I will document the steps involved in fabricating PCBs with things that you can mostly...

Make a Tray to suspend PCBs into the Etchant

In this post I will document the procedure involved in making a tray to suspend PCBs. The enchant (FeCl3 solution) is toxic and cannot be handled with bare hands. So I devised this easy and reusable method for suspending the PCBs with the toner into the solution. If you are...

Make a Digital Clock with DS1307 and PIC 18F4520

Digital clocks are are very commonly (cheaply) available these days. Some of them have a built in RTC to keep the time running even if the main battery fails and some of them don’t. In either case, for a standalone embedded application to get time, an RTC in almost the...

Hack a Toy Car to Make a Cheap Wireless Robot

Hack a toy car to make a cheap wireless robot? Yes, cheap toy remote cars form china can be scavenged to get their remotes to work with our robots. All of us have seen and played with toy cars some time in the past. Some -like me- might have bought...

Workaround Arduino SD Card Initialization Error!

I was working on a project that involved the use of an SD (Secure Digital) card to log data into a text file. I chose Arduino as it had a vary stable FAT (File Allocation Table) library. I had an Arduino Mega at my disposal and built a resistive network...

How-to: Make a Chassis For Your Robot

Ready made chassis that are available in the market (like the one above) are really good, cheap and for all you know they might have been subjected to an R&D before fabrication. In spite of all these advantages I still see the following issues with ready made chassis. They are...

Line Follower Robot - Build it from scratch

Line Follower Robots are the most common type of robots that are built by hobbyist and students interested in robotics and embedded systems. The reason for the popularity of the Line Follower robot is the fact that it is simple to build and it is easy to understand the logic...

Make a Simple RC (Remote Controlled) Robot Car

Whether you are an engineering student building a multi terrain vehicle or an electronics hobbyist trying to impress people with your skills, making a RC robot car (wireless) is much better than the wired robot which you will have to tail while driving. This is not exactly a robotics project....

How to use gmail from terminal (Linux)

Great news!! Gmail, our favorite mail service can be accessed from the command line!! Now you can access your favorite mail service - Gmail - from a terminal in a Linux system with a command line interface. People may wonder why anyone would want to use Gmail from the command...