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Archives - Page 6

Need for Clock Line in Digital Communication

What is the need for a clock line in digital communication protocols? This was a question that was posted on a Facebook page. I was surprised to see no one had posted a response. Probably they felt that the question was below standard, lame, stupid or on the worst case...

Raspberry Pi: Let's take a bite from it!

The Raspberry Pi 2 is a credit card sized single-board computer. This you must have heard at least a thousand times, against my better judgment I have planned to use the same opening statement for this post. Raspberry Pi comes as two variants and they choose to call it Model...

Compiling C Programs Using GCC

C is the most widely used programming language for Embedded Systems. Even today most of the low level tasks of operating systems are done in C. Linux is a native C environment and so, the two together make a good pair and cannot be easily missed. C is a high...

How-to: Make a Chassis For Your Robot

Ready made chassis that are available in the market (like the one above) are really good, cheap and for all you know they might have been subjected to an R&D before fabrication. In spite of all these advantages I still see the following issues with ready made chassis. They are...

BeagleBone - Detailed Technical Review

BeagleBone is a credit-card-sized Linux computer that connects to the Internet and runs software such as Android 4.0 and Ubuntu. BeagleBone is nothing but a striped down version of its better known preceders BeagleBoard. BeagleBone has plenty of input & outputs and the processing power for real-time analysis is provided...

Shortest Path Line Follower Robot Logic Revealed!

Bored of the conventional line follower? People nearly are losing interest? Here is a post that could change it all and turn the winds to your side. Imagine if your robot was to start from node A (source) and move to node B (destination) and come back to node A!...

Raspberry Pi Google Calendar - A Combined venture for Mobile Phones

Raspberry Pi Google calender? That is an irresistible pair!! Hello all, I am sure these days most of you would be having a smart phone. We manage almost any thing that has to do with our digital self from these devices. The wide variety of apps available to make our...

Got the GPS and GSM Modules delivered!!

I had always wanted to interface something other than the conventional embedded devices in the market. That’s when I laid my eyes on the GSM module. So I have worked with many embedded peripherals but nothing as big and promising as the GSM module. For some reasons I could never...

Programming a Line Follower Robot

Programming a Line Follower Robot is the next step that you should do after building it. This is a follow-up on my previous post Line Follower Robot - Build it from scratch. If you haven’t already read it, I suggest you read it before going any further in this post....

Line Follower Robot - Build it from scratch

Line Follower Robots are the most common type of robots that are built by hobbyist and students interested in robotics and embedded systems. The reason for the popularity of the Line Follower robot is the fact that it is simple to build and it is easy to understand the logic...